fundamental interaction

英 [ˌfʌndəˈmentl ˌɪntərˈækʃən] 美 [ˌfʌndəˈmentl ˌɪntəˈrækʃən]

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  1. In the previous article, you learned the three fundamental components to building an RIA and how to add interaction to any page.
  2. Interface designers also need a fundamental understanding of the interaction principles and interface idioms that shape the behavior of the product.
  3. It is the fundamental reason why the calculated values of settlement and interaction effect, according to elastic theory, are larger than those measured.
  4. At its most fundamental level, 2009 is about the interaction of three factors: the healing of financial markets, second-round economic and political effects and partial reconfiguration of the longer-term landscape.
  5. At the turn of the century, fundamental research on the interaction of photon with materials is still an important subject for photonics development.
  6. The fundamental elements of quantum chromodynamics ( QCD) and the theory of the strong interaction are briefly reviewed in their historical context.
  7. By the method of double-frequency acoustic excitations, experiments were conducted on the influences of phase differences between the fundamental and subharmonic waves upon the "subharmonic resonance"-the nonlinear interaction between the waves.
  8. Electrochemical Studies of Antitumor Drugs ⅰ. Fundamental Electrochemical Characteristics of an Iron(ⅲ) Schiff Base Complex and Its Interaction with DNA
  9. The Approximate Calculation of Fundamental Frequency of Soil-Structure Interaction Systems
  10. Be-'sides, HDR is of high value for fundamental scientific research such as water-rock interaction, precise geophysics of deep crust and 3-D modeling of deep fracture system.
  11. The illustrative analysis of pragmatic failure is a process of putting fundamental pragmatic principles into speech interaction practice.
  12. The most fundamental and concrete manifestation in educational work consists in the interaction between the teachers and the students.
  13. FIB provides unique capabilities for new prototype device modification, fundamental study of the ion/ surface interaction, and much more.
  14. Based on the fundamental solution, the "pseudo-traction" method and the superposition technique, the multiple crack interaction modes are arrived, the interaction question is solved.
  15. The numerical results show that, elastic modulus ratio between dam material and foundation rock and the ratio between predominate frequency of ground motions and fundamental frequency of dams are two factors, which play important role in dam-foundation interaction.
  16. In contrast to most existing price models, this new model is developed based on the fundamental interaction of demand and supply processes.
  17. The society fair not only is the basic system arrangement and the design main basis in modern society, also is the fundamental rule between social each community depends carries on the benign interaction.
  18. Proton-proton elastic scattering at high energies is an important issue in understanding of QCD-the fundamental theory of strong interaction and in searching for new physics.
  19. QCD is the fundamental theory of strong interaction.
  20. The Fundamental Methods for Analysis of Interaction
  21. Quantum Chromodynamics ( QCD) is the fundamental theory in dealing with strong interaction dynamics of mesons and baryons.
  22. We analyzed the impact of diffraction, nonlinearity, coupling on beam interaction, finally we got the fundamental laws of beam interaction. First, we simulated the single beam transmission in one dimension nonlinear waveguide arrays, then studied the effects of input intensity on beam transmission.
  23. Background subtraction and object tracking is one of the fundamental tasks in many ap-plications, such as visual surveillance, human computer interaction and vehicle navigation.
  24. Moreover, for investi-gating the fundamental behavior of quantum matter, using external electromagnetic field to control the interaction between ultracold atoms has become a essential method.
  25. In this position, the amplitude of the guided mode, especially fundamental mode, reaches a maximum and the interaction between guided mode and volume index grating is expected to be very strong. Therefore, a higher coupling efficiency can be achieved.
  26. The most attention from the current customized services, online games and streaming media players and other related consumer culture to analyze the cell phone the most fundamental aesthetic characteristics-mobile interaction.
  27. Spatial prepositions, the most fundamental prepositions derived from human beings 'interaction with the outside physical world, provide the basic foundations and best thinking patterns for the abstract senses, thus winning the favor of more researchers.
  28. Strongly coupled plasmas are subject of intense research. The continuous and even growing interest originates from fundamental theoretical problem that have to be solved for all many-particle systems with long-range Coulomb interaction and from diverse applications.
  29. Nonlinear absorption is a fundamental interaction of light with material. It is closely related to nonlinear scattering, nonlinear lighted refraction and nonlinear fluorescence emission.
  30. Though the stock market volatility is caused by a variety of factors, the fundamental reason is the results of the interaction of lacking coordination of benefits among market subjects.



  1. (physics) the transfer of energy between elementary particles or between an elementary particle and a field or between fields

      Synonym:    interaction